The “REDPILL” is the association to the Self - the philosophical embodiment of Nature.
The “BLUEPILL” is the dissociation from the Self - the philosophical embodiment of The City.
If the goal in life is to Individuate - to completely associate with the Self - then one must ask themselves what sort of environment would best assist their individuation process.
black holeModern City is formed by the death of amassive starcivilization. At the end of amassive star'scivilization’s life, the core becomes unstable and collapses in upon itself, and thestar’s outer layerssmall towns are blown away. The crushing weight of constituent matter falling in from all sides compresses thedying starCity to a point of zero volume and infinite density called the singularity.
You’re somewhere between civilization and the singularity; The City. The City is an organization that allows individuals to die as comfortably as possible. Naturally, The man of nature is opposed to this way of life despite being captured by the gravitational pull of The City. The desire for money, sex, and independence draws him in - he feels it an adventure to journey into the heart of modernity’s spiritual decay. It’s a dangerous game to surf the Kali Yuga, especially at this stage - attempting to operate within the confines of the old civilization is like dancing with shadows; insanity. Thus, individuation has become a necessary pursuit for survival.
Are You Overwhelmed Yet?
How much stress does it take for an individual to evolve their perspective? The last few years should have been 100x more than enough to quake the popular culture in spectacular fashion. And although it has, in some ways, all things considered the response has been rather tame. Indeed I am abnormally sensitive, a sensitive young man, even, but I find the ubiquity and degree of the spiritually obtuseness baffling.
I Know You’re So Reluctant
How much longer are you going to suffer before you do something about it? I see reluctance in everyone; myself, men and women outside, and people online - there’s a struggle with self expression. It’s obvious when you see it; everyone wants more out of themselves and others yet everyone is scared to take the leap required to meaningfully move the culture forward.
You Can Hardly Function, Shouldn’t That Mean Something?
You may be aware of Clif High’s “Hyper Novelty” concept & impact. The idea is that the rapidly changing landscape and increase of information is 404ing the normies and that this will get continue to get worse. You can see examples of this by cashiers giving back more cash than you gave them by accident, or how drivers have gotten 20x worse - things like that.
I should be clear however, it’s not just the normies that are struggling with the Hyper Novelty / death of authority / massive input of new information, everyone is. That being said, the normies will struggle far more as it becomes more and more difficult to sustain ignorance against these cultural shifts. It’s too much for most peoples’ minds, their brain’s are breaking down and crashing. It’s like trying to put all the data on the internet onto a floppy disk - it ain’t gunna work.
“About a month ago I just about drank myself to death out of despair for the West. It was the kind of night where you spend 6-10 hours (or whatever) fading in and out of consciousness while expelling hot demons into the drain as you lay crippled on the shower floor. Ugly scene.”
“I Miss You, I Need You, I Want You”
The voice of The City is seductive - it’s calling to you to go gentle into that good night…
How Could You Trust The Screens Over My Love?
Social Media has largely replaced the Husband. This is why you must individuate. Only the individuated can compete with and win authority back from the Big Tech Demagogues, to reclaim his position as king in his kingdom.
How many husbands hold more domain over his wife than Instagram?
Digitizing Everything You Want
Porn, friends, work, community, finance, communication, family, food, studies, sex, entertainment, art, etc. etc. etc.
The Bionet (material world) is rapidly losing value.
The only way to stay competitive to find your way back to the Bionet is by setting sail into the vast open oceans of the internet in hopes that you find a new promise land. Many will drown, but what other choice do you have? You have no choice but to sail into that dark open sea just to reclaim what you would have been born with if you were born in most other ages.
I Was Starving But Trusted My Gut
Que Brute de Force - Gastronomy of the Eye. This is a must-listen. It’s imperative that you trust your gut, especially now; what else could you possibly rely on to see clearly? Fast - when your gut is empty, you’re trusting yourself & God rather than the toxic environment you’re surrounded by. Your stomach is a hand with fingers, it’s how you sense and feel the world around you. If you’re eating delusion, you will be out of tune with yourself. Tune in to yourself by tuning out of the world.
Now Everything There Was Is Dead And Gone
Without sensitivity and vigilance, few things can last forever.
The Writing’s On The Wall, The Writing’s On The Timeline
The screens love to tell us that the end is nigh, and perhaps it is.
“The Writing’s On The Wall” The phrase is derived from the Old Testament story of Daniel, where a mysterious hand appeared, writing on the wall of the king's palace, telling King Belshazzar that he will be overthrown. The phrase is used to warn or presentiment of danger, as in the case of a company losing money and seeing the handwriting on the wall, she started to look for another job
- The Bible, Daniel 5:5–31
The End is only nigh for those who fall victim to the plights of The City. Eternal life exists for all who escape through individuation; generation of independent wealth and nutrients through spiritually congruent means.
I See Them Lose Themselves, Caught In The Pipeline
You may have witnessed someone, possibly someone you loved or knew very well, develop into an image that the algorithms set for them. The series of ideas that an individual witnesses can twist and warp them into someone who betrays their true spirit. I’ve seen some particularly dramatic cases of this, it’s some of the darkest magic you’ll ever see.
The internet must be used to aid your individuation process, not to warp yourself into your sickest anxieties.
Downing Cobalt Pills, They Get Overwhelmed
The process of downing Cobalt Pills - or BLUEPILLS - is a positive feedback loop. The process goes like this:
You disassociate from yourself ➞ it hurts / you get overwhelmed ➞ you self-sooth through more disassociation ➞ it hurts more / you get more overwhelmed ➞ you disassociate harder ➞ and so on
Notice yourself if you’re falling through this vicious cycle.
Algorithmic Personalities Don’t Know Thyselves
If you’re not actively being yourself, you’re passively committing suicide.
There’s A Spirit That’s Inside Of Me That’s Going To Hell
The Faustian spirit is the only thing that is able to ward of decay. It’s the unlimited fuel source that can lead you to individuation, an early grave, or both. Death is yours regardless of if you reject or accept this spirit. Confronting your death head-on is far more terrifying, but will lead you to the salvation that is Individuation.
Thou shalt not rest or be content, no matter what thy accomplishments. Thou must strive all the days of thy life. Thou must discover all things, know all things, master all things
The Faustian spirit, tenuous though it may be, is European man’s entire justification for existence…
Bring My Inner Child To Earth Like A Show & Tell
Sincerity sharing who and what you are is the most taboo act in modernity. Early sign of this psyop was when Twitter first came out and all the messaging was “you don’t need to tell everyone everything that crosses your mind!!”
The fact is, you should. Turns out that this is exactly what you need to do in order to interdiguate. All of your data is already tossed around and sold from company to company. If you push harder in that same direction and give extra information to the public, value, you might be able to bypass and pole vault beyond the downsides of personal data breaches. This is how artists have always operated.
I told you something. It was just for you and you told everybody. So I learned cut out the middle man, make it all for everybody, always. Everybody can't turn around and tell everybody, everybody already knows, I told them.
- Donald Glover, That Power (2011)
Reaffirming My Worth Like It’s Going To Help
You can talk all day long, and you can even pray, but at the end of the day it’s going to be action that saves you. You worship God in how you perform throughout the day, every day.
Can’t Tell If It’s Been A Blessing Or A Curse Until You Overdose
Only once you finally overdose from the BLUEPILLS will you have a breakthrough and understand what it all meant. Until then, enjoy those cobalt capsules, my friend.
Do you really want to live in the city?
Listen here
“Your job is to drop out planfully, lovingly, gracefully. Detach yourself from the insane rituals and social pressures which surround you. You cannot drop out externally until you have detached yourself internally. You must leave your job, you must leave your school, you must leave the city…”